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Annual Renewals - Membership and Berth Allocations

With thanks to Emsworth SC for contributing to this recommended procedure.

1. Introduction

These instructions have been prepared to assist SCM Admins / Club Secretaries with the year-end procedures for renewing memberships and berths/moorings. The recommended process works by offering members the opportunity to renew based on their current membership and berth/mooring requirements. They can then either confirm the proposed renewals or contact the club admin to inform of any changes.

2. Timetable

To ensure an efficient and timely renewal of memberships and berths/moorings, the following outline timetable is recommended:

  • 2 months before end of current period 
  • - set up new period and add prices for all membership categories
  • - lock current active memberships to what you expect them to renew to
  • - update berth allocation prices
  • - lock allocations for renewal
  • 1 month before end of current period 
  • - send email to all active members inviting them to login to the member portal and visit the /renew page to check and confirm their renewals
  • From 2 weeks before end of current period
  • - send regular reminders to members to renew
  • End of current period
  • - use alternative methods (e.g. phone, letter) to contact members who have neither renewed themselves nor notified the office of their resignation
  • - if necessary manually renew members 

3. Detailed Procedures

3.1  Approx 2 months before end of current period

Set up new period and add prices for all membership categories as agreed at AGM 

SCM shows what the 'suggested' renewal will be. This will most likely be correct for the majority of memberships. Some, however, will need to change due to age or length of membership or because you have been informed of a change of circumstance by the member.

We recommend working through each membership category starting with the category for the youngest members.

Use the filters to select active members in the current period and then select a category.

The age of each member is displayed in the round brackets between first and last name (provided they have a DOB specified).

For Cadets/Juniors/Student or equivalent Membership types check age ranges and lock to appropriate new membership type.

For Adults or other Membership types check ages or length or membership to see if they qualify for moving to a new membership type.

For all others, lock to suggested renewal option.

For Berth Allocations, ensure that current allocation is correct and release any unwanted allocations.

Allocate Boats on waiting list to available Berths if possible.

Update prices for Berths / Spaces as agreed by General Committee or AGM.

Lock allocations for renewal as appropriate.

3.2 Approx 1 month before end of current period

Renew 'manually' all memberships and berth allocations for members who don't have email. Print and send invoices by post.

Send test confirmation email to General Committee asking them to renew and to provide feedback on the process.

Send email to all Members asking them to login to Member Portal and go to the Renew page to confirm and renew their membership and berth allocations

As members renew, the system will create invoices that the member can see in their members area invoice section.

Reminders for payment will be sent by the system at a set period of days after the invoice date.

3.3 End of current period

Send email to all Active members who have not yet renewed. Using the Active filter instead of All will exclude resigned and deceased members. 

Bank transfers, cheques and cash should be allocated manually to invoices on a regular basis as soon as possible. 

Regular confirmation email reminders should be sent to active members who have not renewed or resigned (use the Status Active filter combined with the Renewal Unrenewed filter see Appendix for examples of wording used in early 2018. This email wording can be found and amended in the

Settings/Memberships/Notifications/Membership Confirmation section.

Last updated 16:35 on 6 July 2024

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