Setting up Berths / Spaces
Berths/spaces are any location that can be allocated to a boat for storage, or mooring, on or off the water. These might be swing moorings, piles, pontoons, marina berths, hard standing, racks or shed space.
Berths/spaces are typically defined in Groups so you will need to define at least one Group before creating a Berth/Space.
Each Berth/Space should have at least one charging rate (Price). You will need to define at least one Price before creating a Berth/Space.
Adding Berthing Groups
Select the "Groups" menu option in the Berths/Space section.
The existing Groups are summarised in a list. Click on the name of Group to edit it.
To add a new Group click the "+ Group" button.
Enter a Name, Type and description (optional).
You can also set the general location of the Group on the map.
Berthing Prices
Select the Prices" menu option in the Berths/Space section.
The berthing prices are summarised in a list. Click on the name of Price to edit it.
To add a new Price click the + Price" button.
Enter a name and price.
You can then select whether the rate is charge per length, area or as a fixed fee.
You can optionally specify a tax rate and set a Nominal code for detailed income reporting.
Default Berth / Space Location
Whilst setting up the berths / spaces, a default location will be displayed.
This will be the location of the last defined berth/space or the Organisation Location which can be set in the General Settings.
Add a Berth / Space
Select the "List" menu option in the Berths/Space section.
The Berths/Spaces are summarised in a list. Click on the name of a Berth to view it.
To add a new Berth/Space click the "+ Berth / Space" button.
Select a Group and Type and enter a name/number for the Berth/Space.
If you want to restrict the size of boat that can be allocated to the Berth/Space, check the 'define dimensions' box and fill in the dimensions.
Move the pin on the map to show, as accurately as you can the location of the Berth/Space.
Click the 'Create Mooring' button.
Add at least one Price.
The prices available are those which have been previously created (above).
Once the set up has been completed, and Berths/Spaces have been created, they can have boats allocated to them.
Last updated 17:16 on 6 July 2024