Batch Create
Batch create is typically utilized on an annual basis to pull together the contact/membership records with the boats, berths/spaces and allocations data, generating the file needed to create 'Invoices' or 'Requests for payment' for annual dues and fees
Uninvoiced items shows all items that have not yet been added to Invoices or Requests for Payment.
Invoices are created the following ways:
1.On the Batch create screen:
Clicking Invoice on the right-hand side for each individual Member (Contact)
Clicking the boxes for the desired records, then clicking Invoice
Clicking Select All, then clicking Invoice
2. On the Uninvoiced Items screen:
Clicking Create Invoice for each individual member
3. Manually clicking + Invoice in the upper right-hand corner of the Invoices screen
4. On the Invoices screen, select the desired records, select Mark as invoiced and click Go
Last updated 17:16 on 6 July 2024