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Home > Knowledge Base > Settings > Volunteer (Duty) Roster > Options


Duty Manager

Set the default 'from' address and name for all the duty notification emails.

Set the default 'reply to' email address for all the duty notification emails. This can be any email address, including personal email accounts.

Select whether you want to use the default settings or the event organiser details for the email notifications.


Disable volunteering - Checking this box will disable the option for Members or Contacts to volunteer for Duties. You can use this if you want to 'open' volunteering from a certain date or 'close' after a certain date.

Accept first volunteer - The default behaviour is to allow multiple Contacts to volunteer for a Duty. You can then select your preferred volunteer. If you check this box, then the first person to volunteer will automatically be accepted and the Duty will no longer be open to volunteers. The exception to this if you set the Duty to allow multiple volunteers, which is useful if you need as many as possible but not a specific number.

Allow non-members to see, volunteer and be allocated to roster positions - Check this box if you don't want to constrain Duties to active members or if you are not using the Membership module.

Swaps must always be of a matching duty type - Check the box if you want to limit swap requests to duties fo the same type. NB: This may limit the available swap opportunities.

Disable periodic duty reminder - This turns off periodic reminders to perform assigned duties. It does not turn off the initial notification to inform members of a duty assignment.

Disable initial duty assignment notification - Change the default behaviour of duty assignments so that initial notification emails are NOT sent.

Default points - enter the number of points a typical duty is worth. This number will be used unless a specific value is set for the event.

Default hours - enter the number of hours a typical duty lasts. This number will be used if there is no start and end time specified for the event.

Wrap-up default - select the default wrap-up status for new volunteer roles (duties).

Debits and Credits

If you assign a value to the time people give when volunteering at the club, you can use those values as debits and credits against membership renewal fees. You can apply a debit against members who do not meet requirements for how many duties they should perform during their membership term and a credit for each one they do complete. 
Requirements and values are configured in the duty roster configuration section. 


You can enable renewal discounts based on duty roster performance and set the value of the discounts. 
If you provide both point and hour discounts, whichever gives the higher value will be used. 
In order for discounts to be applied correctly you need to have both memberships and berth allocations set to invoice at renewal time.

Last updated 15:06 on 9 February 2024

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