Adding Other Content
You can create new sections on your site and add content at any time.
To add a new Section or Page to appear on the main menu bar (Custom Pages will need to be enabled in the Menu section of the Configure page) do the following:
a) create either a Folder or a Content Article
b) add a title and anything else that is needed
c) scroll down to the ‘Advanced’ section at the bottom of the Content article page and click the ‘show’ link
d) check the ‘Show as a menu item in your websites navigation area.’ box
e) Click the ‘Create’ button’
If you created folder in the step above, you can then add additional pages or subfolders with pages in them. Access to these sub pages will be via the submenu. You can choose how the submenu is displayed in the Menu section of the Configure pages.
You can upload one of more files of type jpeg, png or pdf to go with a content article.
Uploads of type jpeg and png are treated as images and the default behaviour I stopped display the first image found above the content at the full width of the page or the width of the image, whichever is smaller.
Uploads of type pdf will be displayed as download links at the end of the article to allow browsers to download and view the pdf.
If you wish to place an uploaded image at a particular position within the text you can use the following notations:
)123456:400( where 123456 is the number of the uploaded file and 400 is the max width in pixels that you want the image displayed at (subject to available page width). The height will be in proportion to the original size.
)123456:original( where 123456 is the number of the uploaded file and original means ‘display at uploaded size’ (subject to available page width)
Last updated 17:16 on 6 July 2024