Advanced Options
When editing an Article or Folder you will see a section at the bottom called 'Advanced' with a 'show' link next to it. Clicking the 'show' link will reveal some additional options.
These can be used to modify the way content is displayed.
The Grid options can be applied to a 'Folder with its own URL' only
- Grid (name only) will display the first image and the title of each article within the folder in a grid view. Clicking on the image or name will open the full article.
- Grid (name + content) will work as above but also include the full content under image and name. (This option is rarely useful so will likely be removed soon.)
- Grid (name + content / no links) will work as above but does not link to full article. (This option is preferable to the one above).
- Grid (pop-up) works like Grid (name only) but launches the content in a pop up window.
The Heirarchy option is useful if you have lots of items in a submenu and you don't want them all displayed by default. Selecting this will display the subfolder closed with an option to expand.
URL Slug
This will be populated automatically when the Content is created. You can modify it but note that it must be a unique name. You cannot have more than one article or folder with the same url slug.
External URL
This allows you to link a menu item directly to a URL, either within your own website or of another website. No content will be displayed.
Last updated 17:16 on 6 July 2024