The Duty Roster module
The Duty Roster can be accessed from the main menu.
The default page shows you a list of upcoming events with Duties.
The submenu has links to the following pages:
Upcoming - this is the default page and shows you a list of upcoming event with Duties and the current status for each duty. Clicking on the event name will take you to the Duty Roster page for that event where you can manage the duties.
Manage - this page aggregates the Duty Roster manage page for all upcoming events, which saves you having to view each event separately and allows you to manage upcoming events together.
Swaps - this page show you a list of all pending swap requests and recently resolved swap requests
Reports - here you can view the number of duties each member has volunteered for or been allocated and how many they have completed
Templates - this page show you a list of duty templates. Duty Templates are sets of Duty Types that can be added to an event to quickly set the duty requirements. Click on a template name to edit the template including adding and removing duty types.
Reminder Schedule - this page shows an overview of which reminders have been set and for when. It will also show you which reminders have not yet been configured. Clicking on the reminder names will display the pages where you can edit the text and / or the reminder schedule.
Wrap-up - this page shows the 'wrap-up' status for all completed events. Wrap-ups should be completed for all events so that you know whether members completed the duties they volunteered for or were allocated.
Configure - this takes you to the Settings for the Duty Roster (settings can only be viewed and updated by Administrators).
Last updated 16:35 on 6 July 2024